
Google Discover

Google Discover is a tool released by Google in 2018 that provides mobile users with a highly personalized, AI-driven feed of material from across the web based on articles and subjects of interest to them. The user does not need to search for anything when using Google Discover. The product is a query less search: the content stream is shown based solely on the user's interests, with no query entered.

AI integration in SEO

Why Discover is important for SEO.

While Google Discover is not a prominent topic of conversation in the SEO business (for the time being), it should not be overlooked by SEO practitioners. Any site can be qualified to appear in Google Discover, and Discover traffic is not limited to news publishers; we've seen considerable Discover traffic for sites in a variety of verticals, including ecommerce, finance, healthcare, and technology. When compared to organic search traffic from Google, Discover delivers the majority of organic traffic for certain of the customers we work with.

We've also noticed many cases when articles with little or no SEO traffic do well in Google Discover. Discover can be used to supplement organic traffic for themes that are difficult to rank for, such as YMYL (Your Money, Your Life) or when the subject matter is exceedingly niche or esoteric.

For these and other reasons, you may and should include Google Discover in your SEO plan. Although Discover behaves differently than typical organic search, it is still free Google traffic. Discover, with the appropriate strategy, may drive significant organic traffic and visibility to your website.

Discover Ranking Factors & Eligibility

Ranking in Google Discover necessitates the creation of material that is extremely engaging for users (enough so that Google considers it worthy of being published in their Discover feed). The content must include a high-quality image of 1,200px or larger, a meta tag specifying max image-preview: large (this is done automatically by Yoast/WordPress), or utilize AMP.

When optimising content for Google Discover, Google also emphasises the value of E-A-T and reducing clickbait in headlines.

Currently, any content can appear in Google Discover. There is no "noindex" tag or technique of using robots.txt to prohibit Google from indexing your site specifically for Discover.

Analyzing Discover Performance

Currently, the only option to analyse Google Discover performance is through the Discover tab in the Performance report in Google Search Console (GSC). The Discover tab appears only if your GSC property had Discover traffic during the window indicated. Unfortunately, there is no unique referral source for Discover in Google Analytics at the moment. Because there is no Google Search Console API for Discover, assessing the performance of Discover content at scale can be difficult.

Risks & Warnings

Google may also take manual action against sites that do not follow its Discover rules. This includes author invisibility, sexually explicit content, violent content, harassing content, or deceptive information.

Avoid these manual actions at all costs. Google doesn't always inform you which URLs triggered the manual action, making it difficult to pinpoint the source of the issue. Furthermore, a serious enough offence can result in your website being removed entirely from Google Discover.

Analysis of Top-Performing URLs

Ideal Headline Length & Word Count

SEOs, editors, and webmasters frequently question what the perfect word count for an article is or how many words should be in an article headline to attract the most traffic.

It is vital to realise that word count is not an SEO ranking element; yet, there is a correlation between word count and top-performing articles:

The average headline word count length for discover articles with more than 600,000 clicks in the last 16 months is 17 words, and the average word count of the article is 700 – 800 words.

Over the last 16 months, top-performing articles in Google Discover with click-through rates of more than 25% had an average headline word count of 12 words and an article word count of 816 words.


Getting your website on Google discover can be a challenging job. Adhering to all the Search engine optimization techniques Reon technologies can help you get your webpage rank high and also be visible under google discover.

Analytics / Marketing / Technology

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