Freshly Foods


Freshly Foods, part of the Al Nekhrah Group of Companies, was established in 2003 to provide safe, quality foods at affordable prices.


Freshly Foods had a pretty tough job on their hands, they needed to showcase all their processing capabilities and the wide variety of products they offer. To tackle this, they had to find a solution that could really get across just how big they are and how seriously they take quality.


We partnered with Freshly Foods to create a highly user-centric website. We leveraged the latest web development tools and techniques to design a website that showcased their extensive processing units and product lines while ensuring an exceptional user experience.


After implementing their user-friendly website Freshly Foods experienced a remarkable upswing in their online presence. The website became a hub for customers looking to explore their offerings, leading to a substantial increase in online orders. This surge in digital engagement translated into a substantial boost in revenue, marking a significant milestone for Freshly Foods and their continued commitment to delivering quality products to their valued customers.

Tools and Technologies We Use


  • react.webp
  • html-5.webp


  • react.webp
  • html-5.webp


  • react.webp
  • html-5.webp

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